Welcome to the Great Awakening!

We Live In A New World Now

I Invite You To Join Us
In Learning What Happened
And Where We Are Going

Welcome One And All !!!


Why did Dr. “Doom” Fouci fund the Wuhan Lab in favor of “Gain of Function” research? .. After it was banned?


Why did Microsoft patent

 “WO 2020 06 06 06” ?


  Why with today’s technology, mistake or not, does the web address   [antifa.com] still take you to Whitehouse.gov?

An Eternity Of Evil Control Has Been Removed From Power And Its Dominion Over Mankind.

I present here for you a vetted list of sources that will  strive to bring you the truth.  It is more important now than ever to find trustworthy sources.

Start With These 4 Videos

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